M.A. in Biblical Studies
M.A. in Biblical Studies
33 credit hours, ten courses of 3 credit hours each and three of 1 credit hour
The Master of Arts program in Biblical Studies is designed for those who already have a solid knowledge of the Bible and are considering a life of full-time ministry. This program will prepare you to go beyond the biblical fundamentals, honing your skills in biblical languages and helping you deal with issues that confront those who minister. Throughout the entire program, our professors connect with you at a personal level, mentoring and challenging you to sharpen your focus on what the heart of every ministry should be: to live for Christ and for the gospel.
DISC 411 – Total Spiritual Transformation I
1 credit hour
How to walk as a true disciple of Christ is the central theme of all our teaching at Wittenberg, all the way from the Bachelor’s level to the Doctoral level. This course will help you start off in the right direction, to love and follow your Lord and Savior with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
DISC 412 – Total Spiritual Transformation II
1 credit hour
Our Savior called us all to lose our lives for Him and for the gospel, “whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it” (Mark 8:35). This course will help you make sharing the gospel central to your life, no matter if you will be in full-time ministry or will be serving the Lord in a secular setting.
Prerequisite: DISC 411
RES 491 – Academic Writing and Research
1 credit hour
This course covers the essentials of style, formatting and citation according to the Chicago Manual of Style, and teaches the student how to conduct research via the library and using online sources from home. It then leads the student through the parts of a term paper and the process of writing a proposal, and finishes off with drafting, editing and final revision.
THEO 531 – Theology I
Introduces the subject of theology including its history and methods, followed by a closer look at the doctrine of Revelation and the doctrine of God. Relevant issues discussed in this course are how to do theology in a manner that glorifies and serves our Lord, and the special status of the Word of God as inspired, inerrant and authoritative. The student is encouraged to apply this teaching to his or her daily walk with God and to develop a lifestyle of true discipleship as a result.
THEO 532 – Theology II
Covers the biblical teaching on the origin and nature of man, God’s plan for redeeming mankind, the nature and purpose of the church, and the last things. The student is encouraged to apply this biblical teaching to his or her daily life and to develop a lifestyle of true discipleship as a result.
Prerequisite: THEO 531
MIN 671 – Biblical Counseling I
Two developments have created the urgent need for mature and able biblical counselors. The first is the breakdown of the family, which forces young people to grow up unloved, untaught and unprotected. The second is the growing popularity of secular psychotherapy as the best solution. Only Christ and the application of His Word can provide right solutions for broken people. This course lays the foundation for that understanding and equips the student to guide those with problems in the right direction.
THEO 533 – Theology of Evangelism and Missions
Focuses on the theme of evangelism and missions as central to God’s nature and pivotal to His plan, and explores how this theme is developed throughout Scripture from the very beginning. The student is encouraged to apply what is learned to his or her own life and develop a lifestyle of true missionary discipleship as a result.
BLST 521 – Hermeneutics
This course presents sound methods of Bible reading and interpretation, and contrasts these with some of the flawed methods that have emerged under the influence of contemporary relativist thought.
GRK 541 – Advanced New Testament Greek
The student should already have taken an introductory course in New Testament Greek. This course equips the student with advanced skills to read and understand the NT in Greek. It provides further knowledge in developing NT Greek vocabulary, and grammatical and translational skills. It also provides a starting point toward developing exegetical skills.
HEB 551 – Advanced Biblical Hebrew
The student should already have taken an introductory course in Biblical Hebrew. This course provides an introduction to Hebrew grammar. Brief passages from the Old Testament are used to train the student in the basics of translation.
THEO 535 – Fundamental Theological Issues
A study of some of the major biblical doctrines which have been under attack in the last few decades, such as biblical inerrancy, the belief in absolute truth, Creationism and Intelligent Design etc.
Please choose two courses from the following six.
MIN 571 – Vision and Leadership
This course studies the crucial importance of God’s vision for the Body of Christ, and explores ways to help develop this vision for a local church or specific ministry. It then looks at biblical and practical approaches to leadership, explores how to identify and develop potential leaders and those with other gifts and how to mobilize them effectively for God’s work. Attention is given to practical methods of mentoring and training, reporting, delegating and supervision.
MIN 572 – Public Speaking
This course studies the principles of effective oral communication and aids the student in the development of public speaking skills. The role of listening to the Spirit and yielding to His direction is emphasized, especially for preaching and Christian teaching. Speech organization, non-verbal communication, and the effective use of visual aids will also be addressed.
DISC 511 – The Deep Prayer Life
This course explores the central place of prayer and intimacy with Christ as the basis for life and for effective God-honoring ministry, by taking the Lord’s Prayer as its starting point. Other topics covered are spiritual warfare strategies, and knowing when to be still in His presence. The course culminates in a personal 24-hr prayer retreat.
MIN 573 – Planting Discipling and Mission-minded Churches
Examines how to plant a church through evangelism and discipleship, how to discern gifts, mentor and delegate, and how to insure that the church has and will always maintain a discipling and missionary character.
MIN 672 – Biblical Counseling II
This course is a continuation of Biblical Counseling I and equips the student to deal with more deep-seated personal problems, guiding troubled others to true maturity in Christ. This course also looks at secular counseling theories, what makes them unbiblical and why they should be avoided.
Prerequisite: MIN 671
MIN 673 – Ministry Administration
A study of administrative principles and practices for any organization, be it a local church, missionary organization or other ministry. Among the topics discussed are the various administration documents, personnel management, and the management of financial and physical resources.
Time Frame
M.A. students are expected to finish their studies within 5 years. After that time, a non-refundable extension fee of US$200 per year will be applied.
Graduation will take place after the completion of the required courses, payment of any outstanding fees, and on evidence of Christian character, faith and conduct as attested by our faculty.
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